
Showing posts from April, 2021

Datura metal - Botanical Description

  BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF Datura metal Habit : Large herb Root : Tap root system Stem : Hollow , herbaceous with strong odour Leaf : Simple , alternate , reticulate venation and exstipulate Inflorescence : Axillary cyme , Solitary Flower : Bracteate , ebracteolate , complete , pentamerous , actinomorphic , bisexual and hypogynous Calyx : Sepals 5 , green , gamosepalous , valvate aestivation Corolla : Petals 5 , greenish white , gamopetalous , plicate , twisted aestivation Androecium : Stamens 5 , free , epipetalous . Anthers are dithecous , longitudinally dehiscent Gynoecium : Ovary superior , Bicarpellary , syncarpous , bilocular but tetralocular due to the formation of false septa . Carpels are obliquely placed . Axile placentation . Style is simple . Stigma bilobed Fruit : Capsule Seed : Endospermous Floral diagram : Floral formula :

Musa paradisiaca - Botanical description

   BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF Musa paradisiaca Habit :  Gigantic monocarpic perennial herb Root :  Fibrous adventitious root system Stem :  The real stem is underground called rhizome . The aerial stem is pseudostem Leaf :  Simple , leaf blade is large , pinnately parallel venation , phyllotaxy is spiral   Inflorescence :  Branched spadix Flowers :  Bracteate , ebracteolate, sessile , trimerous , unisexual or bisexual , zygomorphic and epigynous Perianth :  Tepals 6 , arranged in two whorls of 3 each . The outer 3 tepals and the inner two lateral tepals fused to form 5 toothed tube . The inner posterior tepal is free , valvate aestivation Androecium :  Stamens 6 , in two whorls of 3 each . Only 5 stamens are fertile , the inner posterior stamen is absent . Anthers are dithecous , dehisce by vertical slits . Filament is filiform Gynoecium :  Ovary inferior , tricarpellary, syncarpous, trilocular, axile placentation . Style is simple and filiform. Stigma is three lobed Fruit :  Elongated f

Ricinus communis (male flower) - Botanical description

   BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF Ricinus communis (male) Habit :  Shrub Root :  Taproot system Stem :   Erect , latex is present Leaf :  Alternate , palmately lobed , venation is palmately reticulate divergent  Inflorescence :  Compund raceme or panicle .Male flowers are seen below and female flowers are near the apex  Flower :  Bracteate , ebracteolate , pedicillate , actinomorphic , incomplete  Perianth :  Tepals 5 , gamophyllous , valvate aestivation Androecium :  Stamens many , filaments branched to form five branches , polyadelphous. Anthers are dithecous , dehiscing longitudinally Gynoecium :   Absent but pistillode is present Floral diagram : Floral formula :

Ricinus communis (female) - Botanical description

   BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF Ricinus communis ( female) Habit :  Shrub Root :  Taproot system Stem :   Erect , latex is present Leaf :  Alternate , palmately lobed , venation is palmately reticulate divergent  Inflorescence :  Compund raceme or panicle.   Male flowers are seen below and female flowers are near the apex  Flower :  Bracteate , ebracteolate , pedicillate , actinomorphic , incomplete and hypogynous  Perianth :  Tepals 3 , gamophyllous , valvate aestivation  Androecium :  Absent but staminode is present  Gynoecium :  Ovary superior , tricarpellary , syncarpous , trilocular , axile placentation , style 3 , deep red and long bifid stigma  Fruit :   Regma  Seed :  Endospermous  Floral diagram : Floral formula :

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - Botanical description

    BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF  Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Habit  : Shrub Root  : Tap root system Stem  : Erect and woody Leaf  : Simple, alternate,serrate with reticulate venation Inflorescence  : Solitary cyme Flower  : Bracteate,bracteole, bisexual,pentamerous,actinomorphic, complete and hypogynous Epicalyx  : 5 to 8 bracteoles outer to the calyx Calyx  : Sepals 5 , green , gamosepalous , valvate aestivation. Corolla  : Petals 5 , variously coloured , polypetalous , twisted aestivation. Androecium  : Numerous stamens , monadelphous , anthers are monothecous , reniform , dehisce transversely. Gynoecium  : Ovary superior , pentacarpellary , syncarpous , pentalocular , axile placentation , style long , stigma 5 . Fruit  : Mostly abortive . Floral diagram : Floral formula :


  ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF PLANTS     COMMON NAME  BINOMIAL  NAME  USES  USEFUL PARTS  Pirandai  Cissus quadrangularis  To treat asthma and stomach troubles  Entire plant  Manathakkali  Solanum nigrum  Curing liver disorders like cirrhosis of liver  Entire plant  Thottal Surungi  Mimosa pudica  Curing piles,minor skin wounds and whooping cough  Entire plant  Rice  Oryza sativa  major food of half of the world's population  Fruit (Caryopsis)  Groundnut  Arachis hypogea  oil is extracted from the seeds and used as fine cooking medium  seeds  Cotton  Gossypium barbadense  The seed coat of this plant produces surface fibres for textile industry  seed coat fibres  Lady's finger  Abelmoschus esculentus  vegetable  tender fruit  Potato  Solanum tuberosum  common vegetables throughout the world  stem tuber  Brinjal  Solanum melongena  vegetables  tender fruit  Tomato  Lycopersicon esculentum  delicious vegetables  ripened fruit  Thoodhuvalai  Solanum trilobatum  to treat cough  Leaves, f


  MALVACEAE - ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE Fibre plant : Gossypium hirsutum yeilds cotton fibres of commercial value. Food plant : The tender fruit of Abelmoschus esculentus is used as vegetable. Timber plant : Timber obtained from Thespesia populnea is used for making boat and furniture. Medicinal plant : Roots and leaves of Abutilon indicum are used against fever. Ornamental plant : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is grown in gardens.       SOLANACEAE- ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE Food plant : Tubers of Solanum tuberosum are used as common vegetables. Medicinal plant : Roots of Atropa belladonna yield powerful alkaloid 'atropine' . It is used for relieving muscular pain . Leaves, flowers, berries of Solanum trilobatum are used to treat cough. Tobacco : Nicotine in the leaves of Nicotiana tabacum is considered to be the principal alkaloid in commercial tobaccos such as cigarette and bidi. Ornamental : Cestrum diurnum is grown in garden for their beautiful flowers. EUPHORBIACEAE - ECONOMIC


    SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF MALVACEAE The cotton family Class : Dicotyledonae Sub - class : Polypetalae Series : Thalamiflorae Order : Malvales Family : Malvaceae SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF SOLANACEAE The potato family Class : Dicotyledonae Sub - class : Gamopetalae Series : Bicarpellate Order : Polemoniales Family : Solanaceae SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF EUPHORBIACEAE The castor family Class : Dicotyledonae Sub - class : Monochlamydeae Series : Unisexuales Family : Euphorbiaceae SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF MUSACEAE The banana family Class : Monocotyledonae Series : Epigynae Family : Musaceae     SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF LAURINEAE Class : Dicotyledonae Sub - class : Monochlamydeae Series : Daphnales Family : Laurineae