Musa paradisiaca - Botanical description


Musa paradisiaca

Habit : Gigantic monocarpic perennial herb

Root : Fibrous adventitious root system

Stem : The real stem is underground called rhizome . The aerial stem is pseudostem

Leaf : Simple , leaf blade is large , pinnately parallel venation , phyllotaxy is spiral 

Inflorescence : Branched spadix

Flowers : Bracteate , ebracteolate, sessile , trimerous , unisexual or bisexual , zygomorphic and epigynous

Perianth : Tepals 6 , arranged in two whorls of 3 each . The outer 3 tepals and the inner two lateral tepals fused to form 5 toothed tube . The inner posterior tepal is free , valvate aestivation

Androecium : Stamens 6 , in two whorls of 3 each . Only 5 stamens are fertile , the inner posterior stamen is absent . Anthers are dithecous , dehisce by vertical slits . Filament is filiform

Gynoecium : Ovary inferior , tricarpellary, syncarpous, trilocular, axile placentation . Style is simple and filiform. Stigma is three lobed

Fruit : Elongated fleshy berry

Seeds : Absent

Floral diagram :

Floral formula :


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