Datura metal - Botanical Description


Datura metal

Habit : Large herb

Root : Tap root system

Stem : Hollow , herbaceous with strong odour

Leaf : Simple , alternate , reticulate venation and exstipulate

Inflorescence : Axillary cyme , Solitary

Flower : Bracteate , ebracteolate , complete , pentamerous , actinomorphic , bisexual and hypogynous

Calyx : Sepals 5 , green , gamosepalous , valvate aestivation

Corolla : Petals 5 , greenish white , gamopetalous , plicate , twisted aestivation

Androecium : Stamens 5 , free , epipetalous . Anthers are dithecous , longitudinally dehiscent

Gynoecium : Ovary superior , Bicarpellary , syncarpous , bilocular but tetralocular due to the formation of false septa . Carpels are obliquely placed . Axile placentation . Style is simple . Stigma bilobed

Fruit : Capsule

Seed : Endospermous

Floral diagram :

Floral formula :


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