Ricinus communis (female) - Botanical description


Ricinus communis ( female)

Habit : Shrub

Root : Taproot system

Stem :  Erect , latex is present

Leaf : Alternate , palmately lobed , venation is palmately reticulate divergent 

Inflorescence : Compund raceme or panicle. Male flowers are seen below and female flowers are near the apex 

Flower : Bracteate , ebracteolate , pedicillate , actinomorphic , incomplete and hypogynous 

Perianth : Tepals 3 , gamophyllous , valvate aestivation 

Androecium : Absent but staminode is present 

Gynoecium : Ovary superior , tricarpellary , syncarpous , trilocular , axile placentation , style 3 , deep red and long bifid stigma 

Fruit :  Regma 

Seed : Endospermous 

Floral diagram :

Floral formula :


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