
Datura metal - Botanical Description

  BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF Datura metal Habit : Large herb Root : Tap root system Stem : Hollow , herbaceous with strong odour Leaf : Simple , alternate , reticulate venation and exstipulate Inflorescence : Axillary cyme , Solitary Flower : Bracteate , ebracteolate , complete , pentamerous , actinomorphic , bisexual and hypogynous Calyx : Sepals 5 , green , gamosepalous , valvate aestivation Corolla : Petals 5 , greenish white , gamopetalous , plicate , twisted aestivation Androecium : Stamens 5 , free , epipetalous . Anthers are dithecous , longitudinally dehiscent Gynoecium : Ovary superior , Bicarpellary , syncarpous , bilocular but tetralocular due to the formation of false septa . Carpels are obliquely placed . Axile placentation . Style is simple . Stigma bilobed Fruit : Capsule Seed : Endospermous Floral diagram : Floral formula :

Musa paradisiaca - Botanical description

   BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF Musa paradisiaca Habit :  Gigantic monocarpic perennial herb Root :  Fibrous adventitious root system Stem :  The real stem is underground called rhizome . The aerial stem is pseudostem Leaf :  Simple , leaf blade is large , pinnately parallel venation , phyllotaxy is spiral   Inflorescence :  Branched spadix Flowers :  Bracteate , ebracteolate, sessile , trimerous , unisexual or bisexual , zygomorphic and epigynous Perianth :  Tepals 6 , arranged in two whorls of 3 each . The outer 3 tepals and the inner two lateral tepals fused to form 5 toothed tube . The inner posterior tepal is free , valvate aestivation Androecium :  Stamens 6 , in two whorls of 3 each . Only 5 stamens are fertile , the inner posterior stamen is absent . Anthers are dithecous , dehisce by vertical slits . Filament is filiform Gynoecium :  Ovary inferior , tricarpellary, syncarpous, trilocular, axile placentation . Style is simple and filiform. Stigma is three lobed Fruit :  Elongated f

Ricinus communis (male flower) - Botanical description

   BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF Ricinus communis (male) Habit :  Shrub Root :  Taproot system Stem :   Erect , latex is present Leaf :  Alternate , palmately lobed , venation is palmately reticulate divergent  Inflorescence :  Compund raceme or panicle .Male flowers are seen below and female flowers are near the apex  Flower :  Bracteate , ebracteolate , pedicillate , actinomorphic , incomplete  Perianth :  Tepals 5 , gamophyllous , valvate aestivation Androecium :  Stamens many , filaments branched to form five branches , polyadelphous. Anthers are dithecous , dehiscing longitudinally Gynoecium :   Absent but pistillode is present Floral diagram : Floral formula :

Ricinus communis (female) - Botanical description

   BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF Ricinus communis ( female) Habit :  Shrub Root :  Taproot system Stem :   Erect , latex is present Leaf :  Alternate , palmately lobed , venation is palmately reticulate divergent  Inflorescence :  Compund raceme or panicle.   Male flowers are seen below and female flowers are near the apex  Flower :  Bracteate , ebracteolate , pedicillate , actinomorphic , incomplete and hypogynous  Perianth :  Tepals 3 , gamophyllous , valvate aestivation  Androecium :  Absent but staminode is present  Gynoecium :  Ovary superior , tricarpellary , syncarpous , trilocular , axile placentation , style 3 , deep red and long bifid stigma  Fruit :   Regma  Seed :  Endospermous  Floral diagram : Floral formula :

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - Botanical description

    BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF  Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Habit  : Shrub Root  : Tap root system Stem  : Erect and woody Leaf  : Simple, alternate,serrate with reticulate venation Inflorescence  : Solitary cyme Flower  : Bracteate,bracteole, bisexual,pentamerous,actinomorphic, complete and hypogynous Epicalyx  : 5 to 8 bracteoles outer to the calyx Calyx  : Sepals 5 , green , gamosepalous , valvate aestivation. Corolla  : Petals 5 , variously coloured , polypetalous , twisted aestivation. Androecium  : Numerous stamens , monadelphous , anthers are monothecous , reniform , dehisce transversely. Gynoecium  : Ovary superior , pentacarpellary , syncarpous , pentalocular , axile placentation , style long , stigma 5 . Fruit  : Mostly abortive . Floral diagram : Floral formula :